Friday, November 21, 2008

Prime reference #1

"Optimus Prime for President" is filled with tons of geeky references. Periodically, I will post some of my favorites. Here's the first, which appropriately is about our eponymous hero. It's an excerpt from a scene in which Dr. Matt offers a "refresher course" on the Transformers origin story to Steph and Stuey, who merely thought the cartoon was cool, and to Sierra, who could care less:

Optimus had it (the Matrix) until he got killed by Megatron.


So, with Optimus dead, the Matrix of Leadership was passed to Ultra Magnus. And then this is where it all gets fuzzy in my memory. I think Optimus got temporarily reanimated to fight Unicron and got the Matrix back. I'm not really sure. That all happened during a time in my life when I was drifting away from Transformers and discovering girls.

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